Corruption, Culture and Growth: A Dynamic Analysis
MS Teams
10 Nov, 2021
You are cordially invited to the Econ-Talk "Corruption, Culture and Growth: A Dynamic Analysis" by Prof Mausumi Das (Delhi School of Economics & Institute of Economic Growth) on Wednesday, Nov 10, at 3.30PM.
Title: Corruption, Culture and Growth: A Dynamic Analysis
The relationship between corruption and economic development is ambiguous. While some studies found a negative impact of corruption on growth, others found a positive relationship at least in the early stages of industrialization (‘sand’ versus ‘grease’ the wheels effect). More recent studies based on panel data however direct towards a nonlinear relationship with a distinct threshold effect. In this paper we develop a parsimonious model of dynamic interaction between corruption and growth which is mediated through culture. However, culture is not a constant in our model; it evolves endogenously over generations responding to the changing economic conditions. We show that our model of dynamic interaction between corruption, culture and growth can explain the observed nonlinear relationship between corruption and growth across different sets of countries at different stages of development.
Date: Nov 10, 2021 (Wednesday); Time: 3:30-5:00PM
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