Perspectives on Development in India (HSL782)
3.00 (L-T-P: 3-0-0)
Department / Center / School / Unit
Course Objectives
A critical examination of the the planning and development processes in India from multiple disciplinary perspectives.
Course Contents
This seminar course will undertake a critical examination of the development process in
India. The course introduces students to a historical overview of social, economic and political issues related to the ideas of development and growth. Starting from notions of improvement mooted under the colonial regime, to the processes of planning in independent India, the radical new agrarian policy of the 1960s and 70s, down to the era of liberalization in the 1990s and beyond, the course familiarises students with the political economy of development in India. It uses inter-disciplinary sources and texts to expose students to multiple ways of understanding and analyzing problems. Other topics covered include poverty and inequality, economics of discrimination (gender and caste) and the conflicts over land and natural resources in the 21st century.