Mathematical Economics (HSL516)


4.00   (L-T-P:   3-1-0)

Department / Center / School / Unit


Course Objectives

The aims of this course are to:
(i) equip students with understanding of the most important mathematical techniques used in modern economics;
(ii) illustrate the use of these techniques by applying them to various well-known economic models;
(iii) complement the postgraduate microeconomic and macroeconomic theory courses.

Course Contents

This course is an overview of topics in calculus, advanced calculus, optimization, and linear algebra that are relevant to economic theory. It provides some of the necessary mathematical background to begin the core graduate sequence. The course covers a large amount of material at a relatively high level of rigor.

Suggested References

C. Simon and L. Blume, Mathematics for Economists
W. Novshek, Mathematics for Economists
A. Dixit, Optimization in Economic Theory, 2nd edition
K. G. Binmore, Mathematical Analysis
K. G. Binmore, Calculus
A.D.L. Fuente, Mathematical Methods and Models for Economists