Civil Society and Democracy in India (HSL 874)


3.00   (L-T-P:   3-0-0)

Department / Center / School / Unit


Course Objectives

This course will examine how civil society or associational community interacts with the state and the market in India and what implications has it had for the broader processes and institutions of democracy, citizenship and governance.

Course Contents

This is a post-graduate level seminar based course. The objective of this course is to discuss the complex and contingent relationships between state, market and civil
society in India and examine the implications of their relationships for the broader processes of development, democratization, citizenship rights and governance in India. The course begins with an overview of the classical and modern theories of the state and civil society. Students read Hobbes, Locke, Hegel, Marx, Gramsci, Tocqueville and other political theorists. The course will then focus on the role that civil society has played in Indian development and democracy. The course will discuss topics such as civil society and political society, NGO-ization, non-party political processes, social capital and ethnic conflict, economic roots of civil society and participatory development and democratization.